Monday, July 03, 2006

Fedora Core 5 and Apache

So I installed Fedora Core 5 - Brand New install, and it includes Apache Server 2.2 - seems like everything should work fine so I try to start the service and it fails. That is strange for it to fail in a brand new install. it is giving me an error in the httpd.conf file So I start looking at that file, and for some reason it has the apache 2.0 conf file - Well apache 2.2 changed the names of some of the modules. I looked some more and saw that in the same directory there was an httpd.conf.bak file - I looked at that, and guess what - it was the version 2.2 file. A quick rename and httpd is up and running.

That seems like a pretty dumb mistake to include the 2.0 conf file for the 2.2 version - which won't run. And the weird thing is they include the 2.2 file that you need as a .bak file. Oh well...

Anyway what this means is that is back up and running again. I haven't configured my mail server yet, but that will be coming soon too.

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