Monday, June 05, 2006

LOST? Um - its right over there...

Well I borrowed Season One of LOST from a friend to start watching it to give me something to do for a while. I haven't seen the show before.

So far the shows generally move to slow. One example they decide they need to go up higher to get some radio signal. Instead of panning back and showing you that they are going to need to climb a bit they waste my time slowly moving the camera up the mountain to show me what I already figured out up the mountain mean a bit of a climb. There were a few other times I found myself looking at my watch, or yelling at the tv for it to hurry up. I felt like fast forwarding it. They show the exact scenes again and again - especially from the plane.

That reminds me of another thing maybe this is on purpose to make us feel smart, but the show seems predictable so far. the wheelchair belonging to the guy you see in the beginning wiggling his toes - Duh... and other things they try to "reveal" about people have all been predictable like the Korean lady speaking English, and being upset or whatever at her husband; the one who was the criminal; etc. Hopefully it will get better. I will give it a chance. I am already 6 episodes into it now.

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