Friday, July 31, 2009


So I ordered a new coffee table about a month ago - July 9th. I may finally get it on Monday. Turns out the delivery company was waiting for a non existent 2nd box, and I could have had my table on the 16th or so...

My battle with a mole, or whatever has been living in my grass, I think is over. I haven't seen any new mounds in over a day. I'll keep checking and hope for the best.


nordic said...

What did you do to get rid of the mole or whatever creature it is? We have something in our yard but it doesn't cause any problems (other than some holes) so we've left it alone.

Jon said...

Poisoned smoke.
If it would stay out of the grass I wouldn't mind as much, but it left dirt piles on the grass, which kills the grass.

I probably have some 'smoke bombs' left.