Monday, January 12, 2009

... and there goes my back

So on Saturday I was putting away some dishes, and I grabbed a sauce pan and turned and bent down to put it on a lower shelf and hurt my back. It seems I may have torn a ligament or something. It really hurt to walk and move. I'm am a bit better now, I can walk some and it doesn't hurt as much. I finally got to see my doctor this morning and he gave me some muscle relaxers and pain killers. Hopefully they will help. It seems I have way to many pills to take now. It makes me look old, which maybe I am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're not old.

I hope you back gets better soon. I hurt my back before Christmas shoveling snow. It hurt for a few days and then it was better. I made cookies last night and now it hurts again.

I am getting old!