Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day

For this memorial day holiday I went and visited my brother and his family. We got to go golfing which was very fun.

that is all for today.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Starcraft II

I've spent countless hours and nights playing starcraft, and finally 9 years later Starcraft II will be coming out. It looks pretty cool from the screenshots I've seen. This might give me an excuse to build a new computer.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

No More Windows

I have been running Ubuntu now for a littlt over six weeks, and I plan on running it for the forseeable future. My system is still dual boot, but I haven't booted into windows in a month, and have no reason to. As soon as I transfer my important data from the windows partition I will format it.

I have really liked Ubuntu. It has been fairly easy to use, and stable since the beta went final. There is only 1 program I ran in windows that I can't find a replacement for - Newsleecher. I do have VMware though, and can launch a virtual windows if I ever need it for anything.

One of the thing I have set up on my linux box is a Tivo Server. I can now use my tivo to watch any videos I have on my linux box. I have 100's of more choices now, and get to watch them in comfort in my living room on my TV.

I also like the 3D effects available with Beryl in Linux. Windows burn up when I close them, I have a 3D cubed desktop, etc. The new Nvidia card I picked up is working out much better in linux than the ATI 8500 AIW I had before.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Invisible Children

Not much new to report. This last weekend I went to denver for the Invisible Children "Displace Me" campaign. - they are a non-profit group that is working to help the people - especially children in northern Uganda.

I got my plane tickets to Chicago - I still need to get a hotel.